He's having too much fun, but not forgetting his chores either, it seems.
This past weekend, Scotty enlisted his Pittsburgh audience to help with the Harlem Shake.
“I don’t get to sing with my wife that much. Only when we tour together and a handful of charity events have we ever been on stage together and actually sang together. So, it always sort of …sets me aback a bit to be up there and to hear her sing. Because she’s truly one of the greatest singers I’ve ever heard.”
"It is always great to be nominated for anything. I remember doing The Dr. Steve Show and I was thinking at the time 'I have enjoyed doing this as much, if not more than any show I have done in years and years.' So, I was excited to be nominated for this particular show. So thanks, and wish me luck!"
We edited very little on this song. No tough decisions on any phrases or words. It just kinda fell out for us pretty easily. The way you hear it today is the way we wrote it as far as structure, lyric & melody goes. There was some experimenting in the studio with different feels, but it’s always been really close to how it is on Gary’s album.
“When I go into a co-write, I don’t think it’s fair for them to not know what I want to write about. If I were to just play them the idea that I came in with. I want them to know the back story. So I’ll walk into a room with a co-writer and just say, “Hey, nice to meet you. I really need to tell you what I’ve been going through ‘cause this is what I want to write about.” At that point Taylor goes into the details of her love life and then she’ll share any song ideas she’s brought with her. She says, “That way they know the background on it. They’re not sitting there having to completely make assumptions based on something they don’t know. If I tell them everything I’m going through, then it’s easier to write about it.” She didn’t have to go through that process for her latest single, “Begin Again,” because it’s one of the songs on her Red album that she wrote completely on her own.